But how do you go about doing this without spending a lot? The nice thing about Facebook is that it’s FREE, right?
Here’s how I have my own website presence for less than $15 per year. There are lots of people out there that will host your website, but it can cost quite a bit. One example is Hostbaby.com - which charges $20 per month, which ends up costing you $240 a year. I have nothing against them, I’ve used cdbaby.com for years for my band, and I’m sure they are a high-quality company and provide great service. All I’m saying is that it’ll cost you $240 for the year, not to mention domain name renewals, which are around $15 per year now.
Here it is at it’s simplest; buy a domain name and have it point to a freely hosted website. Two steps (sort of - I broke it into four steps below).
If you already own a domain name, then you can skip this step. I have used 1and1.com, but there are a
million places to buy domain names. Sometimes there’s a signup special (buy a .com domain for only $0.99 for the first year!). The regular price currently seems to be $14.99/year, which could potentially be the only thing you pay to keep your website up.
Step 2: Build a Website
Sounds like a daunting step, but it’s not too bad. I use Weebly.com and they have a super easy to use system to build quality
looking websites. So just go there, sign up for a free account and start building away. You can just use a yourbandname.weebly.com domain to start with and change it later (we’ll get to that in Step 4). You can create your
homepage, drag and drop pictures and texts, create a blog, whatever. It’s all there.
Step 3: Point your domain to Weebly
Follow the directions at this link: http://kb.weebly.com/domain-registrar.html to do this step.
Step 4: Update your Weebly Domain Setting
Select the Settings tab in weebly for your site. Click on the “Change Site Address” link and then select “use a domain you already own” and type in your domain.name. Publish the website and voila, you are done.
You can always pay more and get more features using Weebly.com and I do that for some other websites, but it’s still less than $6 per month and you can have up to ten websites for that - crazy!
So that’s how I use those sites for a low cost website hosting solution. Figured out a cheaper way to do it? Share it in the
comments below: